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Does a pastor have to go to seminary? Or Bible College?

Alan Stoddard

Does a pastor have to go to seminary? Or Bible College?

I say yes. Is it required? Of course not. But the conversation doesn’t end with that statement.

Why should a pastor (or spiritual leader for that matter) even consider seminary or Bible college?

1. A call to ministry is a call to prepare.

Who would even think about going to a doctor that’s never been to school? Experience can take you some of the way. But in this day and time God deserves our very best.

2. Christian education through preparation is for spiritual formation; it’s not for a degree.

I highly recommend being shaped by the academic process.

3. There are certain things you won’t learn on your own.

You need a classroom. The demands of ministry are too high and too aggressive at times. Some things you need to already have been prepared for.

4. Christian education is easily accessible now through online courses.

There’s no excuse to not go to seminary or Bible college.

5. People respect that pastors and leaders want to invest enough to grow.

Respect and confidence are earned by being a lifelong learner. It breathes credibility.

6. Bible College or seminary education is affordable.

Some people say, “theological education is dead education.“ In part they would be right. What can you do with a master of divinity in the real world? Not much. Unless you serve the King. Then that dead education brings life wherever it goes.

Bottom line: I highly recommend Bible College and seminary; you won’t regret it.


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