5 Reasons For A Team Of Pastor-Elders

Let me share five reasons why I believe strongly in a team of biblically qualified pastor-elders working together to lead and shepherd a local church (more could be added):
1. I believe this is the model of pastoral leadership we see taught and practiced throughout the New Testament (for both small and large congregations).
2. Accountability….a church should never solely revolve around the preaching and leadership of one person….real accountability is crucial (this is a huge one for me as I continue to see churches led by one main individual who has far more power and authority than they should. This leads to all kinds of problems over time).
3. No pastor can meet all the unique pastoral needs of a congregation alone…the burnout rate for solo pastors is much higher than those who serve as part of a team.
4. A team of pastor-elders with different gifts, personalities, and preaching/teaching styles will better serve, care for, and feed the whole congregation over time.
5. There is great joy, encouragement, and strength that comes when serving alongside other pastor-elders, which we all need as we serve in ministry. We simply were not made to do this alone over the long haul.
Perhaps you are currently a solo pastor, doing your best to faithfully shepherd the flock under your care. I thank God for you, pastor! Keep at it! But let me encourage you in this…
May you begin to intentionally pray and ask the Lord to help you identify and raise up other godly pastor-elders who you can serve alongside you…for your good, the good of the church, and the glory of God.
“And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.” - Jeremiah 3:15