Some Of My Favorite Quotes From Replant Lab

The past few days I have had the privilege of attending an event in Atlanta for church replanters and revitalizers called "Replant Lab." So much gold in this conference for pastors and church leaders. Nuggets of wisdom and encouragement all over the place. Here are some of my favorite quotes...
Shepherds are called to care for the Bride of Christ, not become her accuser. – Nathan Rose
Replanter be assured that where revitalization is taking place, there will be many adversaries waiting for you. - Brian Croft
Replanting is a sanctifying work for both the Church and the Replanter. - Brad O’Brien
What about a dying church says "our God is Great and His Gospel is Powerful?" – Mark Clifton
All churches are messed up. – Josh King
The presence of many adversaries in your place of service is a sign that the Lord is at work. - Brian Croft
If you don't love your seniors, you need to quit being a pastor or repent. – Adam Wyatt
When the wolves come, that is the sign to stay - not leave. - Brian Croft
Preach and Pray, Love and Stay. - Brian Croft
A pastor must have the capacity to suffer. This refers to the ability to endure emotional and spiritual hardship for the sake of the health of a church while maintaining a biblical perspective of one’s suffering. – Nathan Rose
Love every part of the congregation, young and old, infants and senior saints. Diversity is beautiful and God ordained. – Adam Wyatt
The only place where the Bible talks about the death of a church is where Jesus warns them about disobedience. – Mark Clifton
It is not a matter of “if” you are going to suffer in church revitalization, it is a matter of “when” and “how.” – Nathan Rose
Pastor, love the people of the church more than what you want to do in the church. – Brian Croft
The chief Shepherd never abandons His sheep, how much more will He not abandon those who care for His sheep? – Brian Croft
You will certainly not turn goats into sheep by pandering to their goatishness. - William Still
Good shepherds smell like sheep. – Nathan Rose
Nehemiah rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem using 'old stones'. - Adam Wyatt
Replanting/Revitalizing is a calling for broken and courageous men who hold on to Jesus. – Brian Croft
If you want to entertain a crowd, go into show business. If you want to (build) a church, feed God's sheep. - Nathan Rose
My first 5 years was survival, next 5 years was flourishing and the next season will be about fixing stuff I broke. – Brian Croft
The goal of replanting can't simply be to make an older church younger. So don't miss out on the older saints. – Adam Wyatt
There is always another ministry/church, you only get one wife. – Brian Croft
Tactical patience is the ability to skillfully implement change at pace that is appropriate to a specific congregation’s health and needs. – Nathan Rose
You cannot be a good replanter without being a good shepherd, and you cannot be a good shepherd if you are selective in who you consider sheep. – Adam Wyatt