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Finding God's Vision Through a Hunting Trip

Zach Edwards

Listen to an incredible story about a friend of mine named Dennis… Dennis is a retired man who served as a Marine, a law enforcement officer, and worked as a truck driver. He was antelope hunting last fall and drove through the community of Lysite, Wyoming. Dennis felt a burden for this town. One day, he stopped at the local store and spoke to a young man named Lucas. During their conversation, Dennis asked him about his interest in Jesus. Lucas told Dennis that he was intrigued by Jesus, and would like to know more about Him. However, the sad reality was that there was no church in Lysite where Lucas could hear the Gospel and become a disciple.

In March, Dennis and his wife Rosilyn drove an hour from their home in Casper to Lysite. They gathered with Lucas, his wife Amber and their young son at the old, one-room school building for Bible study. Since then, the group has hosted cookouts, served the community and continued the Bible study! The Christian gospel is now being proclaimed in Lysite… and the town is paying attention! (To the right is Dennis, Rosilyn and me in front of the old schoolhouse.)

Lysite is representative of many Wyoming towns. There are over sixty communities with no evangelical witness at all. Our bigger communities may have a few churches, but there are many people groups in these cities that are unengaged as well. Over 90% of Wyoming does not know the Lord Jesus. The people of Wyoming are precious to Him… we MUST engage them all with His gospel!

For more info on impacting Wyoming with the gospel, contact Zach Edwards, church planting catalyst at or 307-472-4087

Zach Edwards serves as a Church Planting Catalyst for the North American Mission Board in the great state of Wyoming. His great desire is to see Wyoming saturated with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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